Fulbright U.S. Teacher VoicesDr. de Haan discusses how teacher education programs need a "facelift" on what it believes teachers need to be the best prepared to effectively educate ALL students in this changing demographics of student populations.
REAL TALK ON RACISM with Russ and Dr. Renai EllisonDr. d has an enlightening conversation with Dr. Renai Ellison on Culturally Responsive Teaching, student achievement gap, The Brain and STEM. The discussion talks about what is needed to education so that students who are culturally and linguistically diverse can receive an equitable education. Definitely a talk not to be missed!
Dr. de Haan discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has created widespread concern that the achievement gap in New Jersey schools has grown into a coronavirus chasm that threatens to swallow an entire generation of children from low-income families — as well as English-language learners and special-education students and what needs to be done to address this concern. Language Magazine- Pass The Mic